Material Introdution
Alumina ceramic (Aluminum Oxide or Al2O3) is an excellent electrical insulator and one of the most widely used advanced ceramic materials. Additionally, it is extremely resistant to wear and corrosion. Alumina components are used in a wide range of applications such as electronics, pump components and automotive sensors. UNIPRETEC offers a variety of alumina compositions, including 92% Alumina, 95% Alumina, 96% Alumina, 99% Alumina, 99.5% Alumina and 99.8% Alumina. Alumina components can be formed by a variety of manufacturing techniques such as uniaxial pressing, isostatic pressing, injection molding and extrusion. Finishing can be accomplished by precision grinding and lapping, laser machining and a variety of other processes.
High Hardness
Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Excellent Electrical Insulator
Mechanically Stable at High Temperature
Good Thermal Shock Resistance
High density, non-porous and vacuum tight
Resists Abrasive Wear and Chemical Attack
Materials' Properties